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Composite Integration is the Future of Materials Development – Interview with Meng Yijie, General Secretary of the China Composites Industry Association

In recent years, the application scope of composite materials has gradually expanded from its initial use in aero...

In recent years, the application scope of composite materials has gradually expanded from its initial use in aerospace and defense industries to various civilian sectors, gaining widespread application in sports and leisure, automotive, transportation, and other fields. At the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022, composite materials were employed in the "Flying(Fei Yang)" torch, bobsleigh, helmets, and surface coatings of ice skate blades. But are composite materials merely simple combinations of materials? How are they defined within the industry? What does the future development of the industry look like? To explore these topics, our newspaper conducted an exclusive interview with Meng Yijie, General Secretary of the China Composites Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Association").

Composite Integration is the Future of Materials Development – Interview with Meng Yijie, General Secretary of the China Composites Industry Association 

As technology progresses and demand rises, composite materials have evolved from traditional earthen wall concrete to resin-based, metal-based, and inorganic non-metal-based composites. Their excellent comprehensive properties have led to widespread application in national economic development.

Broadly speaking, composite materials contain a wide range of materials. How are composite materials defined within the industry?


Meng Yijie: From its name, a composite material is formed by combining two or more materials with different properties through specialized design and processes. This combination not only preserves the advantages of each constituent material but also allows the composite process to complement their properties, resulting in an optimized material with superior overall performance.


The concept of composite materials encompasses the entire process, from design and manufacturing to future development. First, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the properties of the base materials and the application scenarios of the composite material to determine the composition and manufacturing process. Next, appropriate design techniques must be applied to structure the components in a way that maximizes their individual strengths. Furthermore, during the manufacturing process, the specific characteristics of the materials must be carefully considered, including performance differences and interface issues. For example, glass fiber, an inorganic non-metallic material with excellent properties, requires different types of coupling agents for surface treatment when combined with resin, depending on the environmental conditions and requirements of its application.


In general, composite materials are known for their light weight, high strength, high modulus, and unique functionalities, making them widely used in industrial production and daily life. Typically, composite materials are categorized based on the type of base or reinforcing material. The most commonly used composites are fiber-reinforced composites, such as carbon fiber composites, which are made by combining carbon fibers as the reinforcing material with synthetic resins as the matrix. However, with technological advancement and increasing demand, composite materials have evolved from traditional concrete used in earthen walls to resin-based, metal-based, and inorganic non-metal-based composites, demonstrating excellent performance in national economic development.


In terms of material development, there are two distinct directions: one is purification and de-composition, where higher purity and more uniform structures result in more pronounced properties; the other is composite integration, where each material brings its unique advantages to the table. However, a single material is bound to face developmental limitations, making compositing a future trend. Therefore, the advancement and innovation of composite materials are full of possibilities and highly anticipated.


The "dual carbon" goals and energy consumption control are currently major trends. For the composite materials industry, the key to future development lies in achieving lightweight, low-cost, and environmentally friendly solutions.


How will the composite materials industry structure its development during the period of 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China?

Meng Yijie: The planning and development of industries or enterprises must keep pace with the times and align with broader trends and directions. Currently, the key trends are the "dual carbon" goals and the dual control of energy consumption. For the composite materials industry, the focus of development will be achieving lightweight designs, cost reduction, and environmental sustainability.


In the automotive sector, carbon fiber composites are gradually replacing traditional materials. There is a clear trend toward using composites for load-bearing structural components, such as body panels, wheels, drive shafts, structural parts, and suspension systems. Even non-load-bearing components like fenders, interior trim, and seats increasingly use carbon fiber composites. Research shows that reducing a cars weight by 100 kilograms can lower carbon dioxide emissions by 3 to 5 tons over 300,000 kilometers of driving, making a significant contribution to achieving the "dual carbon" goals.


In the new energy vehicle industry, which is currently facing bottlenecks in battery technology development, the application of carbon fiber composites has significantly reduced vehicle weight. This, in turn, improves the range of these vehicles by enabling material upgrades for fuel cells and hydrogen storage tanks. Chinas rapidly growing new energy vehicle sector is expected to become one of the most important downstream applications for carbon fiber composites and a key area of focus.


With the transformation and upgrading of industries, the demand for higher product quality, performance, and environmental protection is increasing. For example, epoxy-based SMC materials not only meet the requirements for lightweight design but also reduce VOC emissions during production, making them more environmentally friendly. In future development, the industry will place greater emphasis on reducing carbon throughout the product life cycle. New processes will continuously be developed, and advancements in equipment technology and automation will be made to ensure quality, improve efficiency, and enhance energy utilization.


In terms of industrial development, these key trends should be the focus. Companies must plan according to their technical strengths and resource distribution, aiming to reduce energy consumption in raw material production, process control, and product usage. They should accelerate the upgrading of equipment technology and production processes, increase overall efficiency, build brand advantages, and foster a favorable market environment. Leading companies should promote the high-quality, sustainable development of the entire supply chain.


For companies looking to achieve the "dual carbon" goals, optimization should focus on four areas: using green raw materials, reducing overall energy consumption in factories, improving operational efficiency, and adjusting the energy structure.


How can the composite materials industry meet the requirements for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality?


Meng Yijie: For companies, optimization should focus on four key areas: selecting green raw materials, reducing overall energy consumption in factories, improving operational efficiency, and adjusting the energy structure. For example, companies with large, high-roofed facilities can increase the installation area for solar photovoltaic panels to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. This can be combined with energy storage systems to store electricity during off-peak hours, thereby improving energy efficiency and the proportion of green electricity used. These measures can help lower product costs and carbon transfer fees. In the context of rising labor costs and challenges in recruiting front-line workers, establishing digital enterprises and smart factories is also an effective strategy. However, companies should align this with their strategic planning, development stage, and product characteristics. In short, achieving the "dual carbon" goals requires a multifaceted approach, with proactive measures and forward planning.


Currently, the composite materials industry is not yet covered under the "Dual Control System of Energy Consumption Intensity and Total Volume" scheme issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, but some companies have received regulatory notices. There is still much work to be done in the composite materials sector. First, we need to accelerate the certification of green products and cultivate green composite materials production demonstration enterprises and bases. Second, we must vigorously research and develop technologies for the comprehensive utilization of composite material waste and speed up the establishment of a green, low-carbon, and circular economy. Finally, the Association should play an active role as a platform, encouraging collective efforts and gathering the strength of enterprises to contribute wisdom and energy toward achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

Urban rail transit vehicles aim for low energy consumption and environmental sustainability. What development prospects do composite materials have in this field?

Meng Yijie: The application of composite materials in urban rail transit is primarily driven by the demand for vehicle light weighting, as previously mentioned. With the rapid development of China's high-speed rail sector entering a more stable phase, driven by new rural development and "new infrastructure" policies, the total demand for composite materials in rail transit is expected to remain robust even as growth slows. Applications of composite materials will become more diverse and higher in quality, and their role in "new infrastructure" initiatives will warrant even more attention. The goal is to explore additional applications for composite materials, gradually replacing traditional materials. Compared to metal, composite materials offer competitive advantages such as lower costs, higher performance, and additional functionalities. For example, some composite materials have higher fire resistance ratings, while others incorporate self-cleaning and antibacterial properties in addition to being flame-retardant. Naturally, this also sets higher expectations for the companies involved.


In recent years, the composite materials industry has seen new opportunities in the civilian sector. How should the industry seize this momentum and promote the application of composite materials?


Meng Yijie: Composite materials are already widely used in China's civilian sector. Examples include badminton rackets and bicycles in sporting goods, as well as the "Flying" torch, bobsleigh, and helmets used at the Beijing Winter Olympics. In public spaces, composite materials are used for park benches, sculptures, and trash bins, as well as in municipal infrastructure like underground pipelines. However, the quality of some products needs significant improvement due to low production standards and incomplete industry technical standards. The trend of low-cost competition and product homogeneity is also negatively impacting the industry's healthy development. We believe that improving industry standards, fostering self-regulation, enhancing company reputations, building brand recognition, and curbing malicious competition are key steps toward improving the industry. The future of composite material applications holds great promise.


The Association must further understand the needs, pain points, and directions of companies, establishing relationships based on mutual trust, communication, and collaboration. In doing so, we can create a platform that offers convenient services for businesses, strengthens industry self-regulation, guides healthy development, and helps address the key challenges facing the sector.

What are the current pain points in the composite materials industry, and how should the Association help the industry achieve healthy development?

Meng Yijie: The composite materials industry has long faced three main issues: insufficient R&D efforts, severe product homogenization, and a lack of industry self-regulation. These three problems are interrelated. Due to the lack of sufficient R&D, the industry struggles to find new application areas or innovative highlights, which leads to unhealthy competition. This situation is compounded by the uneven development levels across the industry, where innovation is undervalued, and companies rely on price competition instead of technology, focusing on short-term profits. To protect trade secrets, many companies isolate themselves from their peers and avoid publicity, which limits access to financing and policy benefits.


Composite Integration is the Future of Materials Development – Interview with Meng Yijie, General Secretary of the China Composites Industry Association 


Pultruded Glass Panels and Honeycomb Cores


For example, recent advancements in technologies like continuous filament winding and pultruded glass panels have attracted widespread attention. In just a year or two, a large number of companies have launched projects using these processes, leading the market into a price war. Leading companies haven't yet scaled up, and their initial R&D investments haven't been recouped, so the industry quickly reverts to old patterns. It's crucial that industry self-regulation and intellectual property protection be established as soon as possible.


The Association must gain a deeper understanding of companies' needs, challenges, and strategic directions. Building trust, communication, and connectivity with enterprises will allow the Association to create a platform offering convenient services. By strengthening self-regulation and guiding healthy development, the Association can help address the industry's pain points and contribute to its overall progress.


Article from: China Building Materials News 




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